Teeth Whitening – Evergreen, CO

Safe & Effective Teeth Whitening Treatment

beautiful girl smiling

Over time, your smile can easily become dull and discolored due to constant exposure to richly pigmentated foods and beverages. If a yellow smile is the last thing you want to show off to friends, family or coworkers, it may be time for a touch-up! Teeth whitening is an ideal solution for stains on the surface and inner layers of teeth. If you want a brighter smile within the privacy of your home, you can get solutions today by calling our office and speaking to one of our dental professionals!

Why Choose Evergreen Dental Group for Teeth Whitening?

  • Enamel-Protecting
    Whitening Formula
  • Take-Home
  • No Uncomfortable
    UV Light Needed

How Does Whitening Work?

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Stains can appear on teeth in two different ways. The first is extrinsically, meaning they appear only on the outer surface of enamel. The second is intrinsically, meaning it delves deeper into the inner layers of enamel and eventually the dentin, the naturally yellow layer directly behind enamel. Extrinsic stains have not permanently stained your enamel yet, which means you can more easily remove them via brushing, other over-the-counter methods and professional whitening treatment. However, intrinsic stains are more difficult to reach, which is why you need more powerful bleaching agents you can’t get outside of a dental office.

With higher percentage grades of bleaching, professional solutions can reach the inner layers of teeth and introduce oxygen molecules to these stains. This effectively breaks the stains down, leaving your teeth pearly white!

Take-Home Whitening Kits

take home whitening kit

The benefits of take-home whitening kits are two-fold. Not only can you get the same level of whitening that you’d find in the office, but you can use these kits to perform touch-ups and keep your smile white! The trays are custom-made to fit your smile exactly, ensuring that it receives even coverage and does not get exposed to open air. Air exposure is typically why over-the-counter solutions don’t provide the same level of whitening as well as the lower percentage grades of bleaching solution.

By applying the bleaching gel inside the trays and wearing them for about 30 minutes a day over the course of two weeks, you can expect the same level of whitening you’d get during your one-hour office appointment.

Ready to get the dazzling smile you’ve always wanted? Schedule a visit with the family dentist in Evergreen and experience the power of professional whitening!

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